
Demonstration of a workflow implemented with pyiron_base. Based on the history of pyiron_base being developed as a part of pyiron_atomistics the example covers the implementation of a workflow for the density functional theory (DFT) simulation code quantum espresso. As a first step to interface with the quantum espresso DFT simulation code the write_input() and the collect_output() function:

import os
from ase.io import write

def write_input(input_dict, working_directory="."):
    filename = os.path.join(working_directory, 'input.pwi')
    os.makedirs(working_directory, exist_ok=True)
        input_data={"calculation": input_dict["calculation"]}, 

The write_input() function takes a dictionary input_dict and the path to the working directory working_directory as inputs and then writes the input files into the working directory. In this example the write() function from the atomic simulation environment is used to write the input files.

Analog to the write_input() function the collect_output() function gets the working_directory as an input and then parses the files in the working directory to return the output as a dictionary.

from pwtools import io

def collect_output(working_directory="."):
    filename = os.path.join(working_directory, 'output.pwo')
        return {"structure": io.read_pw_md(filename)[-1].get_ase_atoms()}
    except TypeError:
        out = io.read_pw_scf(filename)
        return {
            "energy": out.etot,
            "volume": out.volume,

For the parsing of the output files of the quantum espresso DFT simulation code the pwtools package is used. It can parse both, static calculation as well as structure optimizations or molecular dynamic trajectories.

Finally, the third function is the workflow which combines multiple quantum espresso DFT simulation. In this example the workflow initially optimizes the lattice structure followed by the calculation of the change of energy over a series of five different strains ranging from 90% to 110%.

import numpy as np

def workflow(project, structure): 
    # Structure optimization 
    job_qe_minimize = project.create.job.QEJob(job_name="qe_relax")
    job_qe_minimize.input["calculation"] = "vc-relax"
    job_qe_minimize.input.structure = structure
    structure_opt = job_qe_minimize.output.structure

    # Energy Volume Curve 
    energy_lst, volume_lst = [], []
    for i, strain in enumerate(np.linspace(0.9, 1.1, 5)):
        structure_strain = structure_opt.copy()
            structure_strain.cell * strain**(1/3), 
        job_strain = project.create.job.QEJob(
            job_name="job_strain_" + str(i)
        job_strain.input.structure = structure_strain
    return {"volume": volume_lst, "energy": energy_lst}

After the definition of the individual functions it is time to put the different parts together. This part again starts by importing the required modules. For the pyiron_base workflow framework the Project class is imported.

from ase.build import bulk
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyiron_base import Project

pr = Project("test")
    default_input_dict={  # Default Parameter 
        "structure": None, 
        "pseudopotentials": {"Al": "Al.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF"}, 
        "kpts": (3, 3, 3),
        "calculation": "scf",          
    executable_str="mpirun -np 1 pw.x -in input.pwi > output.pwo",

job_workflow = pr.wrap_python_function(workflow)
job_workflow.input.project = pr
job_workflow.input.structure = bulk('Al', a=4.15, cubic=True)

plt.plot(job_workflow.output.result["volume"], job_workflow.output.result["energy"])

After creating the quantum espresso job class using the create_job_class() function which takes the write_input() function, the collect_output() function, the executable and the default input as input, the actual execution of the workflow comes down to three simple steps. First the creation of the job object instance using the wrap_python_function() followed by setting the input parameters, in this case the project instance and the atomistic structure created with the atomistic simulation environment and finally executing the workflow using the run() function. As a last step the energy volume curve is plotted with the matplotlib library.