
Try pyiron_base online#

To quickly test pyiron_base in your web browser you can use the MyBinder environment. MyBinder is a cloud environment, so the resources are limited and there is no permanent data storage:


Workstation Installation#

By default, only the installation of the pyiron_base python package is required for a workstation. In this case pyiron_base is using the SQLite backend and places a pyiron.db database file in the users home directory. More advanced configuration options are discussed below as part of the HPC installation.

Conda Package Manager#

The recommended way to install pyiron_base independent of the infrastructure is using the conda package manager:

conda install -c conda-forge pyiron_base

The conda package is provided via the conda-forge community channel.

Pip Package Manager#

An alternative way to install pyiron_base is via the pip package manager:

pip install pyiron-base

In contrast to the conda package manager the pip package manager provides both binary packages and packages consisting of source code, which is automatically complied locally. The founder of anaconda wrote a blog post about this topic back in 2018 and the challenges of locally compiled versions of numerical libraries like numpy and scipy.

Docker Installation#

While a direct installation via conda and alternatively via pip is recommended, pyiron_base is also provided as Docker container. The docker image can be installed using the following command:

docker pull pyiron/base:latest

To start the jupyter notebook inside the docker container the following command can be used:

docker run -i -t -p 8888:8888 pyiron/base /bin/bash -c "source /opt/conda/bin/activate; jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=/home/jovyan/ --ip='*' --port=8888"

Still as this is a container solution, the integration with the operating system is limited.

HPC Cluster Installation#

In analogy to the workstation installation also the HPC cluster installation requires the installation of the pyiron_base python package. Again this can be done either via conda or via pip. In addition, the connection to the queuing system of an HPC system requires some additional configuration. This configuration can be achieved either via a configuration file ~/.pyiron or via environment variables. The configuration with an environment file is recommended for persistence.

In the following three sections are introduced:

  • Installation of pyiron_base on the login node of the HPC cluster with direct access to the queuing system.

  • Connecting a local pyiron_base instance on a workstation to a pyiron_base instance on an HPC cluster via SSH.

  • Advanced configuration settings including the configuration of a PostgreSQL database for optimized performance.

It is highly recommended to follow these sections step by step, as already a typo at this stage of the configuration can lead to rather cryptic error messages.

Remote pyiron Installation#

Login to the remote HPC using secure shell (SSH):

ssh remote_hpc

This is achieved by creating an SSH key on the workstation using the ssh-keygen command, copying the SSH public key to the remote computer and adding it to the authorized_keys. A typical SSH setup is explained on the internet in various places for example

Connect to Jupyterlab on Remote HPC#

In addition, the SSH setup can be configured in the ~/.ssh/config in the home directory of your workstation you use to connect to the remote HPC:

Host remote_hpc
    User pyiron
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    LocalForward 9000 localhost:8888

The IdentityFile line defines the SSH key and the LocalForward part defines the port forwarding. The port forwarding is not necessary, still it enables starting a jupyter environment on the remote HPC and connecting to it from the local workstation.

To test the SSH configuration, login to the remote HPC using ssh remote_hpc and then start the jupyter lab environment:

jupyter lab

Finally, on your local workstation access http://localhost:9000. The login requires a security token, this is printed on the command line of the remote HPC after executing the jupyter lab command.

Configure pyiron on Remote HPC#

Create a ~/.pyiron file in the home directory of the remote HPC. As most HPC clusters do not provide a central SQL database and file based databases like SQLite do not work on shared file systems when multiple compute nodes try to access it at the same time the recommended setup is to disable the database on the HPC cluster.

RESOURCE_PATHS = /home/<username>/resources

To disable the database set the DISABLE_DATABASE parameter to true and the PROJECT_CHECK_ENABLED to false. Finally, the RESOURCE_PATHS is required to store the configuration of the queuing system.

In the RESOURCE_PATHS create a queues folder:

mkdir -p /home/<username>/resources/queues

Afterwards in the queues folder create the configuration for the queuing system following the documentation of the python simple queuing system. For example for a SLURM based queuing system create a queue.yaml file inside the queues folder.

queue_type: SLURM
queue_primary: slurm
  slurm: {cores_max: 100, cores_min: 10, run_time_max: 259200, script:}

The queue.yaml file defines the limits in terms of the maximum number of cores available on a given queue cores_max as well as the minimum number of cores cores_min, the maximum run time run_time_max and finally the shell script template script to define the submission script. The submission script is again placed in the queues folder.

#SBATCH --output=time.out
#SBATCH --job-name={{job_name}}
#SBATCH --chdir={{working_directory}}
#SBATCH --get-user-env=L
#SBATCH --partition=slurm
{%- if run_time_max %}
#SBATCH --time={{ [1, run_time_max // 60]|max }}
{%- endif %}
{%- if memory_max %}
#SBATCH --mem={{memory_max}}G
{%- endif %}
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task={{cores}}


The shell script for the python simple queuing system uses jinja templates to simplify the configuration of queuing systems. The configuration for other queuing systems is documented on the python simple queuing system documentation.

Validate the Configuration#

To test your queuing system configuration use the python simple queuing system interface:

from pysqa import QueueAdapter
qa = QueueAdapter(directory="/home/<username>/resources/queues")

If the queue.yaml file is configured correctly, the list of queues available on the remote HPC is plotted when the code above is executed.

To validate the ~/.pyiron configuration file, after the queue.yaml file is correctly configured you can use:

from pyiron_base import state

The state object is commonly used to represent the ~/.pyiron configuration on the python side.

Furthermore is the RESOURCE_PATHS is correctly configured, the pyiron_base workflow manager should be able to access the queuing system configuration:

from pyiron_base import Project

pr = Project(path=".")
job = pr.create.job.ScriptJob(job_name="test")

This should again print the list of queues configured in the queue.yaml file.

Finally, you can try to submit a calculation to the queuing system.

Connect to Remote pyiron Installation#

After the HPC cluster is configured and it is possible to submit calculation to the queuing system when being directly logged in on the HPC, the next step is to use pyiron to connect to the remote HPC via SSH. For this kind of setup we have to adjust the configuration on the local workstation. Starting with the ~/.pyiron configuration in the home directory of the workstation:

FILE = /home/<username>/resources/pyiron.db
RESOURCE_PATHS = /home/<username>/resources

In addition to the ~/.pyiron configuration on the local workstation, also a queue.yaml configuration is required in the resource folder on the local workstation. First the configuration folder is created using:

mkdir -p /home/<username>/resources/queues

In the queues folder a remote configuration file again named queue.yaml is created with the following content.

queue_type: REMOTE
queue_primary: slurm
ssh_username: remote_user
known_hosts: ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh_key: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh_remote_config_dir: /home/<username>/resources/queues/
ssh_remote_path: /home/<username>/
ssh_local_path: /home/<username>/
ssh_continous_connection: True
    slurm: {cores_max: 100, cores_min: 10, run_time_max: 259200}

The configuration on the workstation has to reflect the configuration on the remote HPC cluster. So following the example in the previous section, the settings for the queue_type, the queue_primary and the queues are similar. Still by setting the queue_type to REMOTE the python simple queuing system is aware that it is connecting to a remote HPC. In addition, the script parameter for the queue configuration is no longer required as the submission script templates are not stored on the local workstation but rather just configured on the remote HPC.

The additional settings define the SSH connection, these settings are similar to the settings in the ~/.ssh/config. This consists of the ssh_host, the ssh_username, the known_hosts and the ssh_key. Finally, a few more settings are required on the one hand the local path ssh_local_path has to be matched to a remote path ssh_remote_path to be able to copy calculation from the local workstation to the remote HPC. Also the configuration of the remote installation of the python simple queuing system is required, this can be set using ssh_remote_config_dir.

Furthermore, by specifying the ssh_continous_connection variable to be true, only a single SSH connection is established and the connection remains open for the duration the pyiron session is active on the local workstation. An alternative option is to set this parameter to false. In that case a new SSH connection is established for every command, this is slower but does not require a continuous internet connection on the workstation. Disabling the ssh_continous_connection is not recommended, it is only designed for use cases when a stable internet connection is not available.

Advanced configuration#

Besides the general variables in the ~/.pyiron configuration, the other settings are used to define the database connection. More detailed examples about the configuration can be found below; for now we continue with the configuration of the database. pyiron can use a database to build an index of the HDF5 files on the file system which accelerates job analysis. By default pyiron uses an SQLite database for this index, but the database can also be disabled or a PostgreSQL database can be used to improve performance.

  • By default the database is defined by the FILE option which is equal to the DATABASE_FILE option and gives the path to the SQLite database file. As the SQLite database is a file-based database, it struggles with parallel access on a shared file system (common for HPC clusters).

  • To address this limitation it is possible to disable the database on HPC clusters using the DISABLE_DATABASE option by setting it to true. This is commonly used when the calculations are only executed on the remote cluster but the analysis is done on a local workstation or a group server which supports an SQL-based database.

  • The other database options, namely TYPE, HOST, NAME, USER, PASSWD and JOB_TABLE define the connection details to connect to a PostgreSQL database. Inside pyiron sqlalchemy is used to support different SQL-based databases, therefore it is also possible to provide the sqlalchemy connection string directly as CONNECTION.

  • Finally some pyiron installations use a group management component which is currently in development. They might have additional options in their ~/.pyiron configuration to enable sharing calculations between different users. These options are VIEWERUSER, VIEWERPASSWD and VIEWER_TABLE. As this is a development feature it is not yet fully documented. Basically those are the access details for the global database viewer, which can read the database entries of all users. With this configuration it is possible to load jobs of other users.

Environment Variables#

In analogy to the ~/.pyiron configuration file pyiron also supports using environment variables to configure the pyiron installation. The available environment variables are:

  • the PYIRONCONFIG environment variable defines the location of the .pyiron configuration file.

  • the PYIRONRESOURCEPATHS environment variable defines the RESOURCE_PATHS option.

  • the PYIRONPROJECTPATHS environment variable defines the PROJECT_PATHS option.

  • the PYIRONPROJECTCHECKENABLED environment variable defines the PROJECT_CHECK_ENABLED option.

  • the PYIRONDISABLE environment variable defines the DISABLE_DATABASE option.

  • the PYIRONSQLTYPE, PYIRONSQLFILE, PYIRONSQHOST, PYIRONSQLDATABASE, PYIRONUSER and PYIRONSQLUSERKEY environment variables define the SQL database connection and can also be summarized in the PYIRONSQLCONNECTIONSTRING environment variable.

  • the PYIRONSQLVIEWTABLENAME, PYIRONSQLVIEWUSER and PYIRONSQLVIEWUSERKEY environment variables define the SQL viewer connection and can also be summarized in the PYIRONSQLVIEWCONNECTIONSTRING environment variable.

PostgreSQL Database#

To accelerate the pyiron installation it is recommended to use a PostgreSQL database rather than the default SQLite database. To configure the database server, the following options can be added to the ~/.pyiron:

  • TYPE the typ of the database, while sqlalchemy supports a wide range of different databases PostgreSQL is recommended and can be selected by setting the type to Postgres.

  • HOST the database host where the database is running.

  • NAME the name of the database.

  • USER the database user, in contrast to many other software packages pyiron requires one database user per system user who is using pyiron. The database is only used to store an index of the calculations executed with pyiron, therefore knowledge gained from accessing the database is limited unless the user has also access to the file system.

  • PASSWD the database user password. While it is a bad practice to store the database password in the configuration file, the database only contains the the job index. Still it is important that the user creates an pyiron specific password and should never store their system user password in the .pyiron configuration file.

  • JOB_TABLE the name of the database table. pyiron is commonly using one table per user.

A typical .pyiron configuration with a PostgreSQL database might look like this:

TYPE = Postgres
NAME = pyiron
USER = janj
PASSWD = **********
JOB_TABLE = jobs_janj
PROJECT_PATHS = ~/pyiron/projects
RESOURCE_PATHS = ~/pyiron/resources  

Be careful when updating the database configuration as pyiron does not transfer the content of the database automatically.

Submit to Multiple Remote HPC Clusters#

Finally pyiron also supports configuring multiple HPC clusters. In this case rather than creating a queue.yaml file in the queues resource directory we create a clusters.yaml file with the following content:

cluster_primary: cluster_one
  cluster_one: cluster_1.yaml
  cluster_two: cluster_2.yaml

The cluster_primary defines the default cluster and the different clusters are each defined in their own cluster_*.yaml file. Those cluster_*.yaml have the same structure as the queue.yaml file discussed above, but they cannot be named queue.yaml as pyiron otherwise assumes that only one cluster is available.