
Efficient storage of ragged arrays in a flattened format.

class, num_elements=1, lock_method='error', **kwargs)

Bases: Lockable, HasHDF

Efficient storage of ragged arrays in flattened arrays.

This class stores multiple arrays at the same time. Storage is organized in “chunks” that may be of any size, but all arrays within chunk are of the same size, e.g.

>>> a = [ [1], [2, 3], [4,  5,  6] ]
>>> b = [ [2], [4, 6], [8, 10, 12] ]

are stored as in three chunks like

>>> a_flat = [ 1,  2, 3,  4,  5,  6 ]
>>> b_flat = [ 2,  4, 6,  8, 10, 12 ]

with additional metadata to indicate where the boundaries of each chunk are.

First add arrays and chunks like this

>>> store = FlattenedStorage()
>>> store.add_array("even", dtype=np.int64)
>>> store.add_chunk(1, even=[2])
>>> store.add_chunk(2, even=[4,  6])
>>> store.add_chunk(3, even=[8, 10, 12])

where the first argument indicates the length of each chunk. You may retrieve stored values like this

>>> store.get_array("even", 1)
array([4, 6])
>>> store.get_array("even", 0)

where the second arguments are integer indices in the order of insertion. After intial storage you may modify arrays.

>>> store.set_array("even", 0, [0])
>>> store.get_array("even", 0)

As a shorthand you can use regular index syntax

>>> store["even", 0] = [2]
>>> store["even", 0]
>>> store["even", 1]
array([4, 6])
>>> store["even"]
array([2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12])
>>> store["even", 0] = [0]

You can add arrays to the storage even after you added already other arrays and chunks.

>>> store.add_array("odd", dtype=np.int64, fill=0)
>>> store.get_array("odd", 1)
array([0, 0])
>>> store.set_array("odd", 0, [1])
>>> store.set_array("odd", 1, [3, 5])
>>> store.set_array("odd", 2, [7, 9, 11])
>>> store.get_array("odd", 2)
array([ 7,  9, 11])

Because the second chunk is already known to be of length two and fill was specified the ‘odd’ array has been appropriatly allocated.

Additionally arrays may also only have one value per chunk (“per chunk”, previous examples are “per element”).

>>> store.add_array("sum", dtype=np.int64, per="chunk")
>>> for i in range(len(store)):
...    store.set_array("sum", i, sum(store.get_array("even", i) + store.get_array("odd", i)))
>>> store.get_array("sum", 0)
>>> store.get_array("sum", 1)
>>> store.get_array("sum", 2)

Finally you may add multiple arrays in one call to add_chunk() by using keyword arguments

>>> store.add_chunk(4, even=[14, 16, 18, 20], odd=[13, 15, 17, 19], sum=119)
>>> store.get_array("sum", 3)
>>> store.get_array("even", 3)
array([14, 16, 18, 20])

It is usually not necessary to call add_array() before add_chunk(), the type of the array will be inferred in this case.

If you skip the frame argument to get_array() it will return a flat array of all the values for that array in storage.

>>> store.get_array("sum")
array([  1,  18,  57, 119])
>>> store.get_array("even")
array([ 0,  4,  6,  8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20])

Arrays may be of more complicated shape, too, see add_array() for details.

Use copy() to obtain a deep copy of the storage, for shallow copies using the builting copy.copy is sufficient.

>>> copy = store.copy()
>>> copy["even", 0]
>>> copy["even", 1]
array([4, 6])
>>> copy["even"]
array([0, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12])

Storages can be split() and join() again as long as their internal chunk structure is consistent, i.e. same number of chunks and same chunk lengths. If this is not the case a ValueError is raised.

>>> even = store.split(["even"])
>>> bool(even.has_array("even"))
>>> bool(even.has_array("odd"))
>>> odd = store.split(["odd"])

join() adds new arrays to the storage it is called on in-place. To leave it unchanged, simply call copy before join. >>> both = even.copy().join(odd)

Chunks may be given string names, either by passing identifier to add_chunk() or by setting to the special per chunk array “identifier”

>>> store.set_array("identifier", 1, "second")
>>> all(store.get_array("even", "second") == store.get_array("even", 1))

When adding new arrays follow the convention that per-structure arrays should be named in singular and per-atom arrays should be named in plural.

You may initialize flattened storage objects with a ragged lists or numpy arrays of dtype object

>>> even = [ list(range(0, 2, 2)), list(range(2, 6, 2)), list(range(6, 12, 2)) ]
>>> even
[[0], [2, 4], [6, 8, 10]]
>>> import numpy as np
>>> odd = np.array([ np.arange(1, 2, 2), np.arange(3, 6, 2), np.arange(7, 12, 2) ], dtype=object)
>>> odd
array([array([1]), array([3, 5]), array([ 7,  9, 11])], dtype=object)
>>> store = FlattenedStorage(even=even, odd=odd)
>>> store.get_array("even", 1)
array([2, 4])
>>> store.get_array("odd", 2)
array([ 7,  9, 11])
>>> len(store)

You can set storages as read-only via methods defined on Lockable.

>>> store.lock()
>>> store.get_array("even", 0)
>>> store.set_array("even", np.array([4]))
>>> store.get_array("even", 0)
>>> with store.unlocked():
...   store.set_array("even", np.array([4]))
>>> store.get_array("even", 0)
add_array(name, shape=(), dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, fill=None, per='element')

Add a custom array to the container.

When adding an array after some chunks have been added, specifying fill will be used as a default value for the value of the array for those chunks.

Adding an array with the same name twice is ignored, if dtype and shape match, otherwise raises an exception.

>>> store = FlattenedStorage()
>>> store.add_chunk(1, "foo")
>>> store.add_array("energy", shape=(), dtype=np.float64, fill=42, per="chunk")
>>> store.get_array("energy", 0)
  • name (str) – name of the new array

  • shape (tuple of int) – shape of the new array per element or chunk; scalars can pass ()

  • dtype (type) – data type of the new array, string arrays can pass ‘U$n’ where $n is the length of the string

  • fill (object) – populate the new array with this value for existing chunk, if given; default None

  • per (str) – either “element” or “chunk”; denotes whether the new array should exist for every element in a chunk or only once for every chunk; case-insensitive

  • ValueError – if wrong value for per is given

  • ValueError – if array with same name but different parameters exists already

add_chunk(chunk_length, identifier=None, **arrays)

Add a new chunk to the storeage.

Additional keyword arguments given specify arrays to store for the chunk. If an array with the given keyword name does not exist yet, it will be added to the container.

>>> container = FlattenedStorage()
>>> container.add_chunk(2, identifier="A", energy=3.14)
>>> container.get_array("energy", 0)

If the first axis of the extra array matches the length of the chunk, it will be added as an per element array, otherwise as an per chunk array.

>>> container.add_chunk(2, identifier="B", forces=2 * [[0,0,0]])
>>> len(container.get_array("forces", 1)) == 2

Reshaping the array to have the first axis be length 1 forces the array to be set as per chunk array. That axis will then be stripped.

>>> container.add_chunk(2, identifier="C", pressure=np.eye(3)[np.newaxis, :, :])
>>> container.get_array("pressure", 2).shape
(3, 3)



This will not work when the chunk length is also 1 and the array does not exist yet! In this case the array will be assumed to be per element and there is no way around explicitly calling add_array().

  • chunk_length (int) – length of the new chunk

  • identifier (str, optional) – human-readable name for the chunk, if None use current chunk index as string

  • **kwargs – additional arrays to store for the chunk


Return a deep copy of the storage.


copy of self

Return type:


del_array(name: str, ignore_missing: bool = False)

Remove an array.

Works with both per chunk and per element arrays.

  • name (str) – name of the array

  • ignore_missing (bool) – if given do not raise an error if no array of the given name exists


KeyError – if no array with given name exists and ignore_missing is not given

extend(other: FlattenedStorage)

Add chunks from other to this storage.

Afterwards the number of chunks and elements are the sum of the respective previous values.

If other defines new arrays or doesn’t define some of the arrays they are padded by the fill values.


other (FlattenedStorage) – other storage to add


ValueError – if fill values between both storages are not compatible


return this storage

Return type:



Return integer index for given identifier.


identifier (str) – name of chunk previously passed to add_chunk()


integer index for chunk

Return type:



KeyError – if identifier is not found in storage

get_array(name, frame=None)

Fetch array for given structure.

Works for per atom and per arrays.

  • name (str) – name of the array to fetch

  • frame (int, str, optional) – selects structure to fetch, as in get_structure(), if not given return a flat array of all values for either all chunks or elements


requested array

Return type:



KeyError – if array with name does not exists

get_array_filled(name: str) ndarray

Return elements of array name in all chunks. Arrays are padded to be all of the same length.

The padding value depends on the datatpye of the array or can be configured via the fill parameter of add_array().

If name specifies a per chunk array, there’s nothing to pad and this method is equivalent to get_array().


name (str) – name of array to fetch


padded arrray of all elements in all chunks

Return type:


get_array_ragged(name: str) ndarray

Return elements of array name in all chunks. Values are returned in a ragged array of dtype=object.

If name specifies a per chunk array, there’s nothing to pad and this method is equivalent to get_array().


name (str) – name of array to fetch


ragged arrray of all elements in all chunks

Return type:

numpy.ndarray, dtype=object


Checks whether an array of the given name exists and returns meta data given to add_array().

>>> container.has_array("energy")
{'shape': (), 'dtype': np.float64, 'per': 'chunk'}
>>> container.has_array("fnorble")

name (str) – name of the array to check


if array does not exist dict: if array exists, keys corresponds to the shape, dtype and per arguments of add_array()

Return type:


join(store: FlattenedStorage, lsuffix: str = '', rsuffix: str = '') FlattenedStorage

Merge given storage into this one.

self and store may not share any arrays. Arrays defined on stores are copied and then added to self.

  • store (FlattenedStorage) – storage to join

  • lsuffix (str, optional) – if either are given rename all arrays by appending the suffices to the array name; lsuffix for arrays in this storage, rsuffix for arrays in the added storage; in this case arrays are no longer available under the old name

  • rsuffix (str, optional) – if either are given rename all arrays by appending the suffices to the array name; lsuffix for arrays in this storage, rsuffix for arrays in the added storage; in this case arrays are no longer available under the old name



Return type:


  • ValueError – if the two stores do not have the same number of chunks

  • ValueError – if the two stores do not have equal chunk lengths

  • ValueError – if lsuffix and rsuffix are equal and different from “”

  • ValueError – if the stores share array names but lsuffix and rsuffix are not given

list_arrays(only_user=False) List[str]

Return a list of names of arrays inside the storage.


only_user (bool) – If True include only array names added by the

:param user via add_array() and the identifier array.:


array names

Return type:

list of str

sample(selector: Callable[[FlattenedStorage, int], bool]) FlattenedStorage

Create a new storage with chunks selected by given function.

If called on a subclass this correctly returns an instance of that subclass instead.


select (callable) – function that takes this storage as the first argument and the chunk index to sample as the second argument; if it returns True it will be part of the new storage.


storage with the selected chunks

Return type:

FlattenedStorage or subclass

set_array(name, frame, value)

Add array for given structure.

Works for per chunk and per element arrays.

  • name (str) – name of array to set

  • frame (int, str) – selects structure to set, as in get_strucure()

  • value – value (for per chunk) or array of values (for per element); type and shape as per hasarray().


KeyError – if array with name does not exists

split(array_names: Iterable[str]) FlattenedStorage

Return a new storage with only the selected arrays present.

Arrays are deep-copied from self.


array_names (list of str) – names of the arrays to present in new storage


storage with split arrays

Return type:


to_pandas(explode=False, include_index=False) DataFrame

Convert arrays to pandas dataframe.


explode (bool) – If False values of per element arrays are stored in the dataframe as arrays, otherwise each row in the dataframe corresponds to an element in the original storage.


table of array values

Return type:

pandas.DataFrame FlattenedStorage, name: str) Tuple[generic, Any]